1. Commitment to current and applicable legislation
No relationship or commercial activity will be established with anyone who has links to and/or promotes illegal commercial activities.
2. Good faith and honesty
Business relations shall be conducted with clarity, objectivity, seriousness and honesty, avoiding illegal, unethical or fraudulent conduct.
3. Respect for and commitment to the confidentiality of personal data
The confidentiality of personal data accessed in the course of our professional activity must be maintained at all times, even after the activity has ended. It is essential to implement appropriate security measures to protect our own and third parties’ confidential or personal data.
4. Respect for individuals
Harassment, abuse, bullying, intimidation, disrespect and disregard at work are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Relationships based on respect, participation, fairness and collaboration will be promoted, fostering a respectful working environment in order to achieve a positive working climate.
5. Anti-corruption and bribery policy
No form of corruption, bribery or influence peddling will be accepted in order to carry out a professional activity, whether with the public administration or in the private sphere.
6. Prevention of occupational hazards
The stipulations of current and applicable legislation on the prevention of occupational hazards shall be complied with.
7. Tax and Social Security Compliance
Any unlawful practice involving the unlawful avoidance of payment of taxes to the detriment of the Public Treasury and the competent Social Security authorities shall be avoided.
8. Transparency in financial and accounting data
The economic and financial information shall faithfully reflect the economic, financial and equity reality, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and applicable international financial reporting standards.
9. Commitment to and respect for the environment
A responsible attitude towards the environment shall be ensured, as well as a commitment to comply with environmental legislation and the rational use of resources. Therefore, any illegal act that degrades the environment shall be avoided.

To ensure full compliance with this Code of Ethics, it must be shared and known throughout the organisation, and its compliance must be verifiable when required.



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